Tuesday 17 December 2013

I really like this advertisement because its funny and first it starts off boring but it gets funnier and better and the music really catches your attention. I like the way the rat is represented because it has a bit of a humor in it and they were trying to advertise some cheese brand in a very unique way because rather than just showing some boring old cheese they decided to have the mouse as the main 'star'which is quite unique.

Tuesday 24 September 2013


  1. This image is a bit like a birds eye view image because its taken so it shows the image from a mirrors view. 
  2. There is a boy (jack) taking the picture...he's laying on a seat.
  3. It looks a bit squashy.
  4. The image is showing that they're all sitting in a type of bus or taxi.
  5. There's a man at the front this might suggest that he is driving the bus/taxi.
  6. They all look like there happy and some of the boys look busy.
  7. With the amount of light i can see its somewhere hot.
  8. They might be going somewhere fun and this is suggesting that there all really excited.
  9. With the amount of grass it might suggest that there somewhere near a village or country side.
  10. The taxi/bus looks small.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

My favourite kind of media

My favourite kind of media is YouTube!!! I love YouTube it really inspires me and teaches me a lot to be honest also it's a unique kind of media because people share videos an socialise through videos which is really entertaining and interesting...there are all sorts of things I could learn through YouTube and gain a lot of independence so that's why I like YouTube!

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Why I chose Media?

I chose media studies because Im really interested in media and the different type of media that has been used to communicate and entertain people...Im really interested in the whole YouTube thing and I've chosen media studies because I really want to learn more about the YouTube kind of media and the magic behind it all, also I think media studies will give me the confidence and actually inspire me to carry on learning about media and maybe start my own YouTube channel. I'm not doing this because I think it's just a "free lesson" I'm doing this because its going to help me be more creative with things and help me to learn more about things and the magic that happens behind media so that when I do start my own channel I would have a good knowledge on media itself.